I Am Flipping BACK!

Hi! It’s been a bit of a while, as apparently I cannot write between May and October (the opposite of Calvin, actually.)

Man, this comic strip was great.

Man, this comic strip was great.

Anyhow, now that I am confirming that I still exist (which I do! Yay!), I decided to post just a series of upcoming things I’m going to do. Starting tomorrow, barring horrible accident.

MOVIES: I’m going to review The Martian, hopefully tomorrow. Other than that, I’ve pretty much exclusively watched old movies like Blazing Saddles for the past few months, so not much worth reviewing.

COMICS: I’m probably going to review The Wicked and the Divine, by Kieron Gillen and James McKelvie, and I might also write about Annihilation and Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning’s Guardians of the Galaxy (I just read it because of the movie, but it was actually really good!)

TV: I don’t have a TV (yeah), and I don’t watch a lot anyway, so TV reviews might be difficult. I might post some really behind reviews of Doctor Who season 9 (which I haven’t even STARTED yet). I don’t know.

BOOKS: I read a METRIC FRIGGIN’ TON of science fiction and fantasy this summer. On the table are, among other things. Philip K. Dick’s UBIK, several things by Terry Pratchett, Libba Bray’s Lair of Dreams, and John Scalzi’s Redshirts (my current favorite book of all time. spoilers).

OTHER: For some reason, I’ve been reading/watching a lot of things involving time travel recently, so I’m probably going to write something about that. Also, I’ve been watching some old Star Trek, and I’ve noticed that Captain Kirk will deliver impassioned soliloquies over some really random crap, so I might compile some of that together. I also have this really weird idea of writing a parody of Ed Sheeran’s Photograph from the perspective of Scott Summers, but that might end up going nowhere.

Okay, I think that’s everything. Sorry I disappeared again, but I! Have! Returned!

One response to “I Am Flipping BACK!

  1. Seoirse Swanton

    Would prefer a version of Mrs Robinson centred around Harley Quinn. Fun times though. Hurm…

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